Wednesday, June 27, 2007

I run bad

had doubled up on 1 $25 6max table, then lost $30 on 2 hands: QQ v AA and rivered quads over my nut flush. ouch. I run sooo bad. after that couldn't get a hand to hold and dropped another $10. yeah, its $40, but it's also about 20% of my entire roll, so it's significant.

in other (better) news, I'm having another girl in October! Stallion's wife just mailed me the ultrasound pic. I'm pretty excited since the birthday should be really close to mine. just don't tell Stallion. you know how he is about that shit and I wouldn't want a risk management consultant to get all huffy with me. heh.

ah, it's a damn good thing nobody reads this.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'll be waiting for your child support check. Thanks.