Saturday, July 21, 2007

Scam Update

I need to keep tight tabs on my wins/losses for my backers, so here's a scam update for everyone who's interested (the list is long and distinguished, I'm sure).

since the transfer on Thursday, 7/19:
$25-6: 408 hands, 27/17/9, +$31.89
$50-6: 172 hands, 22/14/5.5, +$40.85
My WTSD is pretty low on both at 16% and 15% respectively, but my W$SD is pretty solid at 41% and 86% (obv this won't hold).
I get a feeling now how bad live 1/2 is. $50-6 has to be the same animal. absolutely atrocious poker. it's wonderful. I actually played a guy last night that as SOOOOOO poor, I fired a 3-barrel bluff on him with Q-high because I was absolutely sure he'd fold the river, and he did.
I'll keep posting hands for analysis in the NL section. I have a few, but I'm tired now and off to the beach in the morning, so no poker until Monday night. sigh...
if anyone who threw in wants more info, HHs, or anything, just ask. I'm an open book right now.

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